The FishmanAF Newsletter - possibly the most fun newsletter on Substack.

Each week I’ll tackle questions about growth, product management, working with and managing people, and being a Dad in the startup world. For now this is a free newsletter; eventually I might add a paid subscription.

Love for the FishmanAF Newsletter

“One of my employees printed out How to Hire for Growth Employees and is going to put it on his wall.”
“I have nothing to say about the growth experiment doc by Adam. It is just spectacular. He is the Growth Daddy, or the Growth God, whatever, no difference."
“Thanks for your post about parenting and work today. It was very refreshing to read an honest and open perspective on the very delicate and tough balance.”
“Thank you very much for the advice! I think you just saved me quite a lot of swirling around in my own head, and I appreciate it.”
“I wanted to let you know I loved the succinctness and thoughtfulness of many of your responses.”
I came to this Slack just to say how COMPLETELY F-ING AWESOME AND INSANE THIS POST IS. Love it.

Love for the Startup Dad Podcast

“THANK YOU SO MUCH for launching the Startup Dad podcast! There are so many startup podcasts with advice on how to build your business. There are so few addressing the intricacies of personal/startup life like yours.”
“I f-ing love your podcast. Probably the most real and genuine convos on casts in such a long time. I also love the theme of personal challenges and struggle. It resonates so much and I know its not just me - we are all dealing with loss and we never talk about it. Some of these stories hearing what other people have been through has reminded us how human the process of loss is and to be grateful for what we have. Anyway love this pod man. You are favorited in my apple pod section.”
“Love this podcast. People treat work like it exists solely on its own. I love hearing about the combination of work and personal stuff. Such a great intimate conversation that feels different from the other blah podcasts out there. It’s an automatic listen for me each week.”

Some of my most popular articles:


Product Management


Company Culture & Management

Failure Stories

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A weekly column on Growth & Product Strategy, company building and occasional hot takes.


Product & Growth Exec; Currently Interim SVP New Products @Mozilla. Partner @Reforge. Hockey player. Dad. Michigan alum.